Sunday 18 March 2012

Computer System Architecture MCQ 05

1.      A number system that uses only two digits, 0 and 1 is called the___________:
a.       Octal number system
b.      Binary number system
c.       Decimal number system
d.      Hexadecimal number system
2.      In which computers, the binary number are represented by a set of binary storage device such as flip flop:

a.       Microcomputer
b.      Personal computer
c.       Digital computer
d.      All of these

3.      A binary number can be converted into _________:

a.       Binary number
b.      Octal number
c.       Decimal number
d.      Hexadecimal number

4.      Which system is used to refer amount of things:

a.      Number system
b.       Number words
c.        Number symbols
d.      All of these

5.      _________are made with some part of body, usually the hands:

a.       Number words
b.      Number symbols
c.       Number gestures
d.      All of these

6.        __________are marked or written down:

a.       Number system  
b.       Number words
c.       Number symbols
d.      Number gestures

7.       A number symbol is called a ___________:

a.       Arabic numerals
b.      Numerals
c.       Both
d.      None of these

8.      0,1,2 ,3 ,4,5,6 ,7,8 and 9 numerals are called:

a.      Arabic numerals
b.      String numerals
c.       Digit numerals
d.      None of these

9.        How many system of arithmetic, which are often used in digital system:

a.       5
b.      6
c.       3
d.      4

10.  Which are the system of arithmetic, which are often used in digital system:
a.       Binary digit
b.      Decimal digit
c.       Hexadecimal digit
d.      Octal digit
e.      All of these
11.  In any system, there is an ordered set of symbols also known as___________:

a.       Digital
b.      Digit
c.       Both
d.      None of these

12.  Which is general has two parts in number system:

a.       Integer
b.      Fraction
c.       Both
d.      None of these

13.  MSD stand for:

a.      Most significant digit
b.      Many significant digit
c.       Both a and b
d.      None of these

14.  LSD stand for:

a.       Less significant digit
b.      Least significant digit
c.       Loss significant digit
d.      None of these

15.  The _____ and ________ of a number is defined as the number of different digits which can occur in each position in the system:

a.       Base
b.      Radix
c.       Both
d.      None of these

16.  Which system has a base or radix of 10:

a.       Binary digit
b.      Hexadecimal digit
c.       Decimal digit
d.      Octal digit

17.  Each of the ten decimal digits__________:

a.       1 through 10
b.      0 through 9
c.       2 through 11
d.      All of these

18.  The binary number system is also called a __________:

a.       Base one system
b.      Base two system
c.       Base system
d.      Binary system

19.  The two symbols 0 and 1 are known as:

a.       Bytes
b.      Bits
c.       Digit
d.      All of these

20.     In which counting, single digit are used for none and one:

a.       Decimal counting
b.      Octal counting
c.       Hexadecimal counting
d.      Binary counting

21.  In which numeral every position has a value 2 times the value f the position to its right:

a.       Decimal
b.      Octal 
c.       Hexadecimal 
d.      Binary  

22.  A binary number with 4 bits is called a_________:

a.       Bit
b.      Bytes
c.       Nibble
d.      None of these

23.  A binary number with 8 bits is called as a___________:

a.      Bytes
b.      Bits 
c.       Nibble
d.      All of these

24.  In which digit the value increases in power of two starting with 0 to left of the binary point and decreases to the right of the binary point starting with power -1:

a.       Hexadecimal
b.      Decimal
c.       Binary
d.      Octal

25.  Which system is used in digital computers because all electrical and electronic circuits can be made to respond to the states concept:

a.       Hexadecimal number
b.      Binary number
c.       Octal number
d.      Decimal number

26.   Which addition is performed in the same manner as decimal addition:

a.      Binary
b.      Decimal
c.       Both
d.      None of these

27.  ______in all digital systems actually performs addition that can handle only two number at a time:

a.       Register
b.      circuit
c.       digital
d.      All of these

28.  Which machine can perform addition operation in less than 1 ms:

a.      Digital machine
b.      Electronic machine
c.       Both
d.      None of these

29.  ________is the inverse operation of addition:

a.       Addition
b.      Multiply
c.       Subtraction
d.      Divide

30.  ________of a number from another can be accomplished by adding the complement of the subtrahend to the minuend:

a.      Subtraction
b.      Multiply
c.       Divide
d.      All of these

31.   Complement the subtrahend by converting all __________and all __________:

a.       1’s to 0’s
b.      0’s to 1’s
c.       Both
d.      None of these

32.  Each device represent :

a.      1 bit
b.      2 bit
c.       3 bit
d.      4 bit

33.   A 0 in the sign bit represents a _____________ and a 1 in the sign bit represents a ____________:

a.       Positive number 
b.      Negative number
c.       Both
d.      None of these

34.  How many main sign number binary codes are used:

a.       4
b.      5
c.       3
d.      6

35.  Which are the types of binary codes number:

a.       Sign magnitude
b.      1’s complement code
c.       2’s complement code
d.      All of these

36.   How many types of addition in the 2’s complement system:

a.       3
b.      4
c.       5
d.      6

37.  Which are the types of addition in the 2’s complement system:
a.       Both number positive
b.      A Positive number and a smaller negative number
c.       A negative number and a smaller positive number
d.      Both number negative
e.      All of these
38.  How many important ideas to notice about these odometer readings:

a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      4

39.  Which are the types of important ideas to notice about these odometer readings:
a.       The MSB is the sign bit :0 for a +sign and 1 for a – sign
b.      The negative number represent the 2’s complement of the positive number
c.       Both
d.      All of these
40.  Which is an algorithm or techniques used to multiply two numbers:

a.       Addition algorithm
b.      Subtraction algorithm
c.       Multiplication algorithm
d.      All of these

41.  Which algorithm are used depending on the size of the numbers:

a.       Simple algorithm
b.      Specific algorithm
c.       Both
d.      None of these

42.   Which algorithm is named after Volker Strassen:

a.      Strassen algorithm
b.      Matrix algorithm
c.       Both
d.      None of these

43.   Strassen algorithm was published in ___________:

a.       1967
b.      1969
c.       1987
d.      1980

44.  Which algorithm is used for matrix multiplication:

a.       Simple algorithm
b.      Specific algorithm
c.       Strassen algorithm
d.      Addition algorithm

45.  Which algorithm is a divided and conquer algorithm that is asymptotically faster:
a.        Simple algorithm
b.      Specific algorithm
c.       Strassen algorithm
d.      Addition algorithm
46.  Which method required 8 multiplication and 4 addition:
a.       Multiplication
b.      Usual multiplication
c.       Both
d.      None of these
47.   Which algorithm is a multiplication algorithm which multiplies two signed binary numbers in 2’s complement notation:

a.       Usual multiplication
b.      Booth’s multiplication
c.       Both
d.      None of these

48.  Which algorithm includes repeated addition of two predetermined values A and S to a product P and then performs a rightward arithmetic shift on P:

a.      Booth’s algorithm
b.      Usual algorithm
c.       Multiplication algorithm
d.      None of these

49.  Which algorithm in mathematics expresses the outcome of the process of division of integers by another:
a.       Addition algorithm
b.      Multiplication algorithm
c.       Division algorithm
d.      None of these
50.      Which algorithm is used to find GCD of two integers:

a.       Multiplication algorithm
b.      Division algorithm
c.       Addition algorithm
d.      Simple algorithm

51.  Which algorithm is used as a general variant of a theorems, in the domain of integral numbers:

a.       Multiplication algorithm
b.      Division algorithm
c.       Addition algorithm
d.      Simple algorithm

52.  How many main approaches to algorithm for division:

a.      2
b.      3
c.       4
d.      5

53.  How many algorithm based on add/subtract and shift category:

a.       2
b.      4
c.       3
d.      6

54.  Which are the algorithm based on add/subtract and shift category:

a.       Restoring division
b.      Non-restoring division
c.       SRT division
d.      All of these

55.  Several methods for converting a ___________:
a.      Decimal number to a binary number
b.      Binary number to a decimal number
c.       Octal number to a decimal number
d.      Hexadecimal number to a binary number
56.  A popular method knows as double-dabble method also knows as _________:

a.       Divided-by-one method
b.      Divided-by-two method
c.       Both
d.      None of these

57.  Which method is used to convert a large decimal number into its binary equivalent:

a.       Double dabble method
b.      Divided-by-two-method
c.       Both
d.      None of these

58.  In this method, the decimal number is _________:

a.       Repeatedly divided by 4
b.      Repeatedly divided by 2
c.       Repeatedly divided by 1
d.      None of these

59.  The conversion of decimal fraction to binary fraction may be accomplished by using ___________:

a.      Several techniques
b.      Simple techniques
c.       Both
d.      None of these

60.  Which system was used extensively by early mini computers:

a.       Decimal number
b.      Octal number
c.       Hexadecimal number
d.      Binary number

61.  3 bit binary numbers can be represented by ____________:

a.       Binary number
b.      Decimal number
c.       Hexadecimal number
d.      Octal number

62.   A number system that uses eight digits,0,1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7 is called an ________:

a.       Binary number system
b.      Decimal number system
c.       Octal number system
d.      None of these

63.  Which system each digit has a weight corresponding to its position:

a.       Hexadecimal number system   
b.      Binary number system
c.       Decimal number system
d.      Octal number system

64.  Which odometer is a hypothetical device similar to the odometer of a car:

a.       Binary
b.      Decimal
c.       Hexadecimal
d.      Octal

65.  An __________can be easily converted to its decimal equivalent by multiplying each octal digit by positional weight:

a.       Binary number
b.      Octal number
c.       Hexadecimal number
d.      Decimal number

66.  The simple procedure is to use ___________ :

a.      Binary-triplet method
b.      Decimal-triplet method
c.       Octal-triplet method
d.      All of these

67.  Which system groups number by sixteen and power of sixteen:

a.       Binary
b.      Hexadecimal
c.       Octal
d.      None of these

68.  Which number are used extensively in microprocessor work:

a.       Octal
b.      Hexadecimal
c.       Both
d.      None of these

69.  Which number is formed from a binary number by grouping bits in groups of 4-bit each starting at the binary point:

a.       Binary
b.      Octal
c.       Decimal
d.      Hexadecimal

70.   Which number system has a base of 16 :
a.       Binary number system
b.      Octal number system
c.       Decimal number system
d.      Hexadecimal number system
71.  Counting in hex, each digit can be increment from__________:

a.       0 to F
b.       0 to G
c.       0 to H
d.      0 to J

72.  Which number can be converted into binary numbers by converted each hexadecimal digit to 4 bits binary equivalent using the code:

a.       Binary number
b.      Decimal number
c.       Octal number
d.      Hexadecimal number

73.  One way to convert from decimal to hexadecimal is the _________:

a.       Double dabble method
b.      Hex dabble method
c.       Binary dabble method
d.      All of these

74.  Binary numbers can also be expressed in this same notation by _________representation:

a.      Floating point
b.      Binary point
c.       Decimal point
d.       All of these

75.  How many parts of floating point representation of a number consists:

a.       4
b.      2
c.       3
d.      5

76.  The first part of floating point represents a signed fixed point number called:

a.       Exponent
b.      Digit
c.       Number
d.      Mantissa

77.  The second part of floating point designates the position of the decimal point and is called:

a.       Mantissa
b.      Binomial
c.       Octal
d.      Exponent

78.  The fixed point mantissa may be _______or__________:

a.       Fraction
b.      Integer
c.       Both
d.      None of these

79.  The number of bit required to express_________ and _______ are determined by the accuracy desired from the computing system :

a.       Exponent
b.      Mantissa
c.       Both
d.      None f these

80.  Which part is not physically indicated in the register:

a.       Binary
b.      Decimal
c.       Octal
d.      None of these

81.  The exponent contains the decimal number :

a.       +05
b.      +03
c.       +04
d.      +07

82.  The first or the integer part is known as________:

a.       Exponent
b.      Integer
c.       Binomial
d.      None of these

83.  How many bits of mantissa :

a.       4
b.      8
c.       10
d.      16

84.  How many bit of exponent:

a.       4
b.      6
c.       8
d.      10

85.  Which number is said to be normalized if the more significant position of the mantissa contains a non zero digit:

a.       Binary point number
b.      Mantissa point number
c.       Floating point number
d.      None of these

86.  Which operation with floating point numbers are more complicated then arithmetic operation with fixed point number :

a.       Logical operation
b.      Arithmetic operation
c.       Both
d.      None of these


1 comment :

  1. Thank you so much For this MCQ's it was very helpful....
