Monday 19 March 2012

Internet, Web Programming and Java MCQ 02

1.      HTML stands for;

a.       Hyper text marker language
b.      Hyper tab marker language.
c.       High transfer markup language
d.      Hyper text markup language

2.      Html is used for:

a.       Hardware programming
b.      Software programming
c.       Web programming
d.      All of these

3.      Tags are used to describe:

a.       Web page
b.      Wed site
c.       Web size
d.      None of these

4.      Html code contains:

a.       Tags
b.      Attributes
c.       Elements
d.      All of these

5.      To create and view an html document, which tools are used:

a.       Text editor
b.      Web browser
c.       Both a and b
d.      None of these

6.      Html document must always be saved with:

a.       .html
b.      .htm
c.       .doc
d.      Both a &b

7.      How many levels of headings are in html:

a.       2
b.      7
c.       6
d.      4

8.      Break element is used to insert :

a.       A new line
b.      New text
c.       A blank line
d.      None of these

9.      To insert blank lines, which tags are used:

a.       <p>
b.      <bk>
c.       <br>
d.      <ba>

10.  To centralize any text, it is simply enclosed within:

a.       <center>
b.      <cen>
c.       <centr>
d.      <cent>

11.  Horizontal rule element is used to divide the webpage into:

a.       Two sections
b.      Separate sections
c.       Four sections
d.      All sections

12.  Text level elements affect the :

a.       Size of  text
b.      Style of text
c.       Color of text
d.      Appearance of the text

13.  Logical elements can be used in the webpage:

a.       Only two times
b.      Seven times
c.       Any number of times
d.      None of these

14.  Logical elements indicate __________of the webpage

a.       Logical description
b.      General description
c.       Both a &b
d.      None of these

15.  The size attribute specifies the font size on a scale, ranging from:

a.       1 to7
b.      2 to 11
c.       7 to 16
d.      11 to 21

16.  How many times should basefont element be used in the entire webpage:

a.       Once
b.      Twice
c.       Thrice
d.      None of these

17.  How many types of lists are supported by html:

a.       Two
b.      Three
c.       Four
d.      Five

18.  By default, the value of type attribute is:

a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      None of these

19.  Type attribute is used with

a.       <ty>
b.      <tp>
c.       <ol>
d.      <op>

20.  The type attribute can be used with _________ tag for setting the type for the entire list:

a.       <ty>
b.      <li>
c.       <ol>
d.      <ul>

21.  It can be used with individual _________ tag to set the type of a  particular list item:

a.       <ul>
b.      <li>
c.       <ol>
d.      <ty>

22.  Image element has only an opening tag:

a.       <im>
b.      <ima>
c.       <img>
d.      <image>

23.  The align attribute is used to adjust :

a.       The size of image
b.      Color of image
c.       Shape of image
d.      Position of the image

24.  The default value of border is:

a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      0

25.  By default,the background color of the web page is:

a.       Black
b.      Red
c.       Pink
d.      White

26.  The hexadecimal number of  white color:

a.       #ffffff
b.      #fffeee
c.       #fefefe
d.      #efefef

27.  The hexadecimal number of red color is:

a.       #ff0110
b.      #ff0111
c.       #ff0000
d.      #ff1001

28.  To create a link in the same document how many anchor elements are used:

a.       Two
b.      Three
c.       Four
d.      Five

29.  The first anchor element is specified with which attribute:

a.       Name
b.      Wfhy
c.       Abfg
d.      Href

30.  The second anchor element is specified with:

a.       Href
b.      Hrfe
c.       Name
d.      Hghj

31.  Frames are used to divide the browser window into:
a.       Dependent segments
b.      Two dependent segments
c.       Four independent segments
d.      Various independent segments
32.  Web pages created using frames can contain :

a.       Table of contents
b.      Navigation links
c.       Footnotes,banners
d.      All of these

33.  To create a frameset document,________ element is included in an html document:

a.       Frames
b.      Frameset
c.       Font
d.      Html

34.  The syntax of the frame element is:

a.       <fra>
b.      <fram>
c.       <frame>
d.      <frameset>

35.  Web publishing means:

a.       Collecting the web pages
b.      Publishing the web pages
c.       Storing the web pages
d.      None of these

36.  The most common place for publishing the web page is on the web space provided by:

a.       DNS
b.      URL
c.       ISP
d.      All of these

37.  Scripting languages can be used to provide:
a.       Simple features to the web page
b.      Main features to theweb page
c.       Dynamic features to the web page
d.      None of these
38.  Most common scripting language is:

a.       Html
b.      C
c.       C++
d.      JavaScript

39.  JavaScript language was developed by:

a.       Microsoft
b.      Sun
c.       Nsf
d.      Netscape

40.  JavaScript is used for:

a.       Client-side applications
b.      Data validation
c.       Creating interactive forms
d.      All of these

41.  The default size of the basefont element is:

a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      4

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