Monday 19 March 2012

Windows And Visual Programming MCQ 04

1.      Visual C++ is developed by:

a.       IBM
b.      Microsoft
c.       Sun Microsystem
d.      Apple

2.      Which language is used for developing operating system:

a.       Visual C++
b.      Visual Basic
c.       Visual Foxpro
d.      None of these

3.      Microsoft Visual C++ IDE is designed for:

a.       C
b.      C++
c.       CLI
d.      All of these

4.      Visual C++ is ___________ based language:

a.       GUI
b.      CUI
c.       Both a and b
d.      None of these

5.      API stands for:

a.       Application Power Interface

b.      Application Point Interface
c.       Application Programming Interface
d.      None of these

6.      Microsoft Windows has the following windows elements:

a.       Toolbar
b.      Menus
c.       Dialog boxes
d.      All of these

7.      Visual C++ is:

a.       Procedure Oriented
b.      Event-Driven Programming
c.       Both a and b
d.      None of these

8.      The most essential and basic header files that windows programming support:

a.       windef.h
b.      winnt.h
c.       winbase.h
d.      All of these

9.      ________ is a group of data and methods and is used to create a variable :

a.       Class
b.      Object
c.       Method
d.      Message

10.  ________ contains values which the program uses and can be changed as per the     program specifications:

a.       Method
b.      Object
c.       Message
d.      Class

11.  ________ is a function which is defined within the class:

a.       Object
b.      Class
c.       Message
d.      Method

12.  The programming that provides complex solution uses:

a.       MFC
b.      API
c.       GUI
d.      None of these

13.  MFC stands for:

a.       Microsoft File Class
b.      Microsoft Foundation Class
c.       Microsoft Form Class
d.      None of these

14.  The components of Visual C++ includes:

a.       Tools
b.      Resource Editors
c.       ActiveX Template Library
d.      All of these

15.  ATL stands for:

a.       Active Tools Library
b.      ActiveX Template Library
c.       Active Template Library
d.      AcidX  Template Library

16.  The compiler generate ________ file from source file:

a.       EXE
b.      OBJ
c.       CPP
d.      C

17.  The extension of workspace file is:

a.       EXE
b.      DSP
c.       DSW
d.      CPP

18.  The extension of project file is:

a.       EXE
b.      DSP
c.       DSW
d.      CPP

19.  The extension of VC++ resources file is:

a.       RES
b.      RS
c.       RC
d.      RCP

20.  DLL stands for:

a.       Dynamic Level Library
b.      Direct Link Library
c.       Dynamic Layout Library
d.      Dynamic Link Library

21.  Templates are stored in:

a.       ATL
b.      STL
c.       MFC
d.      DLL

22.  Editor for coloring  in VC++ that support feature like auto-tabbing , keyboard binding and  dynamic syntax:

a.       VI
b.      EMACS
c.       VC++IDE
d.      All of these

23.  Which files the linker reads that are produced by the compiler of C/C++ and the resource compiler:

a.       RES
b.      OBJ
c.       Both a and b
d.      None of these

24.  The Linker allows access for LIB files for:

a.       Runtime
b.      Source code
c.       Execution
d.      All of these

25.  MFC contain #pragma statements are required for:

a.       Library Files
b.      Source Files
c.       Resource Files
d.      None of these

26.  Which tool is used to show running process in tree view:

a.       Process Viewer
b.      SPY++
c.       VC++
d.      VB

27.  In windows95 which tool is used to kill errant  hidden processes:

a.       Task Manager
b.      Process Manager
c.       PVIEW
d.      Explorer

28.  Which tool is used to control source code:

a.       Source control
b.      Source Safe
c.       Code Safe
d.      Code control

29.  Registered ActiveX Control in windows:

a.       Gallery
b.      Class Wizard
c.       App Wizard
d.      Resource Wizard

30.   Which file we can Import  or Export for user generated gallery items:

a.       OGX
b.      CPP
c.       CX
d.      DLL

31.  Which is directed to a program on occurrence of an event affecting the program:

a.       Class
b.      Message
c.       Object
d.      Method

32.  ________ is a code generate that creates a working framework of Windows applications along with feature source code file names and class names:

a.       Class Wizard
b.      App Wizard
c.       Resource Wizard
d.      Gallery

33.  _________ is a program that is implemented as a DLL:

a.       App Wizard
b.      Class Wizard
c.       Gallery
d.      Resource Wizard

34.  In which menu Class Wizard is available:

a.       View
b.      Insert
c.       Tools
d.      Table

35.  What is used to create a program by App Wizard :

a.       Dialog Box
b.      Combo Box
c.       List Box
d.      Group Box

36.  MFC  class library creates :

a.       Document programs
b.      View Programs
c.       Both a and b
d.      None of these

37.  Which class is used to controls the data being used by application:

a.       Document Class
b.      View Class
c.       Frame Class
d.      Application Class

38.  Which class is used for displaying information about the document for the user and for handling interaction :

a.       Frame Class
b.      Application Class
c.       View Class
d.      Document Class

39.  Which class is used for containing physical elements such as view, toolbar and menu:

a.       Application Class
b.      Document Class
c.       View Class
d.      Frame Class

40.  Which class control application level interaction with Windows:

a.       View Class
b.      Application Class
c.       Document Class
d.      Frame Classes

41.  What is handled by CDocument class in MFC application:

a.       Information
b.      Data
c.       Methods
d.      All of these

42.  The interaction between user and the document is handled by:         

a.       Document Class
b.      Application Class
c.       View Class
d.      None of these

43.  What type of application is built by AppWizard in MFC:

a.       SDI
b.      MDI
c.       Dialog
d.      All of these

44.  SDI stands for:

a.       Simple Document Interface
b.      Single Data Interface
c.       Single Document Interface
d.      Simple Data Interface

45.  MDI stands for:

a.       Many Document Interface
b.      Multiple Data Interface
c.       Many Data Interface
d.      Multiple Document Interface

46.  Which class is created by MFC while creating a project named “Hello” using MFC AppWizard:

a.       CHelloApp
b.      CHelloDoc
c.       CHelloView
d.      All of these

47.  In a MFC which file contains all standard ‘include files:’

a.       stdafx.cpp
b.      mainframe.cpp
c.       application.cpp
d.      frame.cpp

48.  Events are occurred in any windows application when user ………..

a.       Move mouse pointer
b.      Click mouse
c.       Pressing a key
d.      All of these

49.  Event messages are sent to……….

a.       CPU
b.      Window
c.       Operating System
d.      Monitor

50.  Which type of message tell the program about start & close or convey resizing or movement:

a.       Operating System Messages
b.      Messages sent to controls
c.       Messages received from a control
d.      None of these

51.  All the messages generated by windows program are stored in:

a.       Message Stack
b.      Message Queue
c.       Message Memory
d.      All of these

52.  Which is used to connect messages sent to a program along with functions meant for handling such messages:

a.       Message Queue
b.      Message Handler
c.       Message Map
d.      Windows Procedure

53.  Which message is sent when mouse is over the client area:

c.       MOUSEMOVE

54.  Which message is sent when mouse is over the menu or caption bar:

c.       MOUSEMOVE

55.  Which is not the mouse click event


56.  If we are going to create handling WM_LBUTTONDOWN message handling function then what is the name of function created by Class Wizard:

a.       OnLeftButtonDown (…)
b.      OnLButtonDown (…)
c.       OnButtonDown (…)
d.      None of these (…)

57.  Which macro starts message map:

d.      None of these

58.   Which macro ends message map:

d.      None of these

59.  Which classes make use of virtual functions enabling program for accessing general-purpose functions using a base pointer:

a.       CWnd
b.      CObject
c.       Both a and b
d.      None of these

60.  Match the following:
                                                   i.      WM_LBUTTONDOWN              a: OnLButtonDblClick
                                                 ii.      WM_LBUTTONDBLCLICK       b: OnRButtonDown
                                                iii.      WM_RBUTTONDOWN              c: OnLButtonDown
                                               iv.      WM_RBUTTONDBLCLICK       d: OnRButtonDblClick

b.      i-a, ii-c, iii-d, iv-b
c.       i-c, ii-a, iii-b, iv-d
d.      i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d
e.       i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b

61.  Which class is derived from CObject adding much functionality and is shared by all windows in an MFC programs:

a.       CView
b.      CWnd
c.       CMyView
d.      None of these

62.  The CObject is used always as:

a.       Base class
b.      Derived class
c.       Child Class
d.      None of these

63.  Which macro is used for supporting runtime class identification for class declaration:


64.  Which macro is used for supporting runtime class identification for class definition:


65.  Which macro is used for supporting creation of dynamic object for class identification for class declaration:


66.  Which macro is used for supporting creation of dynamic object for class definition:



67.  Which macro is used for serialization support for class declaration:


68.  Which operator is used for dynamic allocation of an object from free storage in C++:

a.       this
b.      static
c.       new
d.      delete

69.  Which class can be used for determining an object type or for creating a new object:

a.       CViewClass
b.      CRuntimeClass
c.       CWndClass
d.      None of these

70.   _______ is a simple numeric variable that denotes a location or an address in memory:

a.       Pointer
b.      Array
c.       String
d.      None of these

71.  Which operator determines amount of storage needed for classes and structures:

a.       sizeof
b.      new
c.       delete
d.      update

72.  Which macro sends an output message to the debug window of compiler:

a.       COUT
b.      FOUT
c.       TRACE
d.      Display

73.  There are many applications that provide support for menus that are:

a.       Pop-up menu
b.      Floating menu
c.       System menu
d.      All of these

74.  On selecting a menu item, which message is issued to the window of the main frame:

a.       WM_COMMAND

75.  Which class can be used to handle menus by MFC  class Library:

a.       CMainFrame
b.      CView
c.       Cmenu
d.      CWinApp

76.  Which name is used to identify the menu item:

a.       Caption
b.      Separator
c.       Pop-up
d.      Grayed

77.  Which member function resembles the OnDraw member function from CMouseTestView:

a.       CMenuView::OnDraw
b.      CWinApp::OnDraw
c.       CMainFrame::OnDraw
d.      None of these

78.  Which function is used to print a message:

a.       TextOut
b.      ViewOut
c.       FOut
d.      WriteText

79.  _______ are basically the keyboard for message handling function:

a.       Mouse Accelerators
b.      Monitor Accelerators
c.       Keyboard Accelerators
d.      None of these

80.  Which  windows message is responsible for displaying the context menus:

c.       WM_COMMAND
d.      None of these

81.  Which property is used for creating keyboard Accelerator:

a.       Set Properties
b.      Both a and b
c.       Accel Properties
d.      None of these