Sunday 18 March 2012

Computer System Architecture MCQ 03

1.      _______is the first step in the evolution of programming  languages:

a.       machine language
b.      assembly language
c.       code language
d.      none of these

2.      Mnemonic refers to:

a.       Instructions
b.      Code
c.       Symbolic codes
d.      Assembler

3.      Mnemonic represent:

a.      Operation codes
b.      Strings
c.       Address
d.      None of these

4.      To represent addresses in assembly language we use:

a.      String characters
b.      Arrays
c.       Structure
d.      Enum

5.      Assembler works to convert assembly language program into machine language :
a.      Before the computer can execute it
b.      After the computer can execute it
c.       In between execution
d.      All of these
6.      ________generation computers use assembly language:

a.       First generation
b.      Third generation
c.       second generation
d.      fourth generation

7.      Assembly language program is called:

a.       Object program
b.      Source program
c.       Oriented program
d.      All of these

8.      To invoke assembler following command are given at command line:

a.       $ hello.s -o hello.o
b.      $as hello.s –o o
c.       $ as hello –o hello.o
d.      $ as hello.s –o hello.o

9.      By whom address of external function in the assembly source file supplied by ______ when activated:

a.       Assembler
b.      Linker
c.       Machine
d.      Code

10.  An______ -o option is used for:

a.       Input file
b.      External file
c.       Output file
d.      None of these

11.  The assembler translates ismorphically______ mapping from mnemonic in these statements to machine instructions:

a.      1:1
b.      2:1
c.       3:3
d.      4:1

12.  Assembler works in______ phases:

a.       1
b.      3
c.       2
d.      4

13.  The assembler in first pass reads the program to collect  symbols defined with offsets in a table_______:

a.       Hash table
b.      Symbol table
c.       Both a& b
d.      None of these

14.  In second pass, assembler creates _______in binary format for every instruction in program and then refers to the symbol table to giving every symbol an______ relating the segment.

a.       Code and program
b.      Program and instruction
c.       Code and offset
d.      All of these

15.  which of the 2 files are created by the assembler:

a.      List and object file
b.      Link and object file
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

16.  In which code is object file is coded:

a.       Link code
b.      Decimal code
c.       Assembly code
d.      Binary code

17.  which type of errors are detected by the assembler:

a.      syntax error
b.      logical error
c.       run time error
d.      none of these

18.  MOVE AX BX in this LINES OF CODE what type of error is declared:
a.      Undeclared identifier MOVE
b.      undeclared identifier AX
c.       Accept as a command
d.      Not look in symbol table
19.  In given  lines of code MOV AX,BL have different type of  operands according to assembler for 8086 architecture these identifiers must be of:
a.       Different type only in byte
b.      Same type either in word or byte
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these
20.  What type of errors are not detected by assemblers:

a.       Syntax error
b.      Run time error
c.       Logical error
d.      All of these

21.  ______serves as the purpose of documentation only:

a.      List
b.      object
c.       link
d.      code

22.  An assembler is a utility program that performs:
a.       Isometric translation
b.      Isomorphic translation
c.       Isochoric translation
d.      None of these
23.   Assemblers are of 2 types:

a.       1 pass
b.      2 pass
c.       both a & b
d.      none of these

24.  CP/CMS assembly language was written in ________assembler:

a.       S/340
b.      S-350
c.       S/320
d.      S/360

25.  ASM-H  widely used _____assembler:

a.      S/370
b.      S/380
c.       S/390
d.      S/360

26.  Assembler is a_______:

a.       Interpreter
b.      Translator
c.       Exchanger
d.      None of these

27.  A_______ processor controls repetitious writing of sequence:

a.      Macro
b.      Micro
c.       Nano
d.      All of these 

28.  IBM-360 type language is example which supporting______ language:

a.       Micro
b.      Macro
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

29.  _________ is attached to using macro instruction definition:

a.      Name
b.      Definition
c.       Identifier
d.      All of these

30.  END of macro definition by:

a.       NAME
b.      MEND
c.       DATA
d.      MEMORY

31.  Process of replacing the sequence of lines of codes is known as:

a.      Expanding die macro
b.      Expanding tri macro
c.       Tetra macro
d.      None of these

32.  A program that links several programs is called:

a.      Linker
b.      Loader
c.       Translator
d.      None of these

33.  _______address is not assigned by linker:

a.      Absolute
b.      Relative
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

34.  ________address is provided by linker to modules linked together that starting from______:

a.       Absolute and 0
b.      Relative and 0
c.       Relative and 1
d.      Relative and 3

35.  A linker is also known as:

a.       Binder
b.      Linkage editor
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

36.  Loading is _______ with the task of storage management of operating system and mostly preformed after assembly:

a.      Bound
b.      Expanded
c.       Overlaps
d.      All of these

37.  _______contain library program have to be indicated to the loader:

a.      Externally defined
b.      Internally defined
c.       Executable file
d.      All of these

38.  It is the task of the ________to locate externally defined symbols in programs, load them in to memory by placing their _______of symbols in calling program:

a.       Loader and name
b.      Linker and values
c.       Linker and name
d.      Loader and values

39.  Linker creates a link file containing binary codes and also produces_______ containing address information on linked files:

a.      Link map
b.      Map table
c.       Symbol map
d.      None of these

40.  how many types of entities contained by assembler to handle program:

a.       4
b.      2
c.       3
d.      5

41.  which of the following are types of assembler entities:

a.       Absolute entities
b.      Relative entities
c.       Object program
d.      All of these

42.  ________have addresses where instructions are stored along with address of working storage:

a.      Relative entities
b.      Absolute entities
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

43.  Absolute entities are __________whom value signify storage locations that are independent of resulting machine code:
a.       Numeric constants
b.      String constants
c.       Fixed addresses
d.      Operation codes
e.      All of these
44.  A module contains machine code with specification on______:

a.      Relative addresses
b.      Absolute addresses
c.       Object program
d.      None of these

45.  After actual locations for main storage are known, a ______adjusts relative addresses to these actual locations:

a.      Relocating loader
b.      Locating loader
c.       Default loader
d.      None of these

46.  If there is a module from single source-language only that does not contain any external references, it doesn’t need a linker to load it and is loaded______:

a.       Indirectly
b.      Directly
c.       Extending
d.      None of these

47.  Modern assemblers for RISC based architectures make optimization of instruction scheduling to make use of CPU _______efficiently:

a.      Pipeline
b.      Without pipeline
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

48.  which are of the following modern assemblers:
a.       MIPS
b.      Sun SPARC
c.       HP PA-RISC
d.      x86(x64)
e.      all of these
49.  How many types of loop control structures in C language:

a.       4
b.      5
c.       2
d.      3

50.  Types of loop control statements are:

a.       For loop
b.      While loop
c.       Do-while loop
d.      All of these

51.  <Initial value> is_______ which initializes the value of variable:

a.      Assignment expression
b.      Condition value
c.       Increment/decrement
d.      None of these

52.  The format “%8d” is used to print_______ values in a line:

a.       11
b.      10
c.       9
d.      12

53.  <Condition> is a _________expression which will have value true or false:

a.       Relational
b.      Logical
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

54.   <Increment> is the________ value of variable which will be added every time:

a.      Increment
b.      Decrement
c.       Expanding
d.      None of these

55.  _______is the statement block of for loop lies inside block of another for loop:

a.      Nested for loop
b.      Nested while loop
c.       Nested do-while loop
d.      None of these

56.  SPARC stands for:
a.       Scalable programmer architecture
b.      Scalable processor architecture
c.       Scalable point architecture
d.      None of these
57.  Full form of MIPS assembler is:
a.      Microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stage
b.      Microprocessor with interlocked pipeline stage
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these
58.  _______ statement block is executed atleast once for any value of the condition:

a.       For statement
b.      Do-while statement
c.       While statement
d.      None of these

59.  _______statement  is an unconditional transfer  of control statement:

a.      Goto
b.      Continue
c.       Switch
d.      All of these

60.  In Goto statement the place to which control is transferred is identified by a statement______:

a.      Label
b.      Display
c.       Break
d.      None of these

61.  The continue statement is used to transfer the control to the________ of a statement block in a loop:

a.       End
b.      Beginning
c.       Middle
d.      None of these

62.  The__________ statement is used to transfer the control to the end of statement block in a loop:

a.       Continue
b.      Break
c.       Switch
d.      Goto

63.  ________function is used to transfer the control to end of a program which uses one argument( ) and takes value is zero for_______ termination and non-zero for _______termination:

a.      Exit( ),normal, abnormal
b.      Break, normal, abnormal
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

64.  To design a program it requires_______:

a.      Program specification
b.      Code specification
c.       Instruction specification
d.      Problem specification

65.  Testing helps to ensure _______of the program for use within a system:
a.       Quality, accuracy and except
b.      Quality, accuracy and acceptance
c.       Design, assurance and acceptance
d.      Quality, accuracy and development
66.  An unstructured program uses a ________ approach to solve problems:

a.       Linear
b.      Top down
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

67.  In a complex program, the ______overlaps:

a.      Branching
b.      Condition
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

68.  How many structures structured programs are written:

a.      3
b.      2
c.       1
d.      6

69.  following are structured programs written in simple structures:

a.       Sequence
b.      Selection
c.       Iteration
d.      All of these

70.   Iteration also called:

a.      Repetition
b.      Straight
c.       Selection
d.      Sequence

71.  In ________instructions are followed one after the other in the preset order in which they appear within program:

a.      Sequence
b.      Selection
c.       Break
d.      Iteration

72.  _______means that one of two alternative sequences of instruction is chosen based on logical condition:

a.       Sequence
b.      Selection
c.       Repetition
d.      None of these

73.  _________is sequence of instructions is executed and repeated any no. of times in loop until logical condition is true:

a.       Iteration
b.      Repetition
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

74.  A ________is a small program tested separately before combining with final program:

a.      Module
b.      Block
c.       selection
d.      none of these

75.  _______uses various symbols to represent function  within program and is _______representation:

a.      Flowchart, pictorial
b.      Algorithm, pictorial
c.       Pictorial, flowchart
d.      None of these

76.  ______Avoid crossing flow lines:

a.      Flowchart
b.      Algorithm
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

77.  A flow chart is drawn from top to bottom and_____:

a.       Right to left
b.      Only right
c.       Left to right
d.      Only left

78.    Flowchart that exceed page should be properly linked using ________to portions of flowchart  on different pages:

a.      Connectors
b.      Interconnections
c.       Connections
d.      None of these

79.  ________is useful to prepare detailed program documentation:

a.      Flowchart
b.      Algorithm
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

80.  Pseudo means:

a.      Imitation
b.      Imitate
c.       In imitation
d.      None of these

81.  Preparing the pseudocode requires _______time than drawing flowchart:

a.      Less
b.      More
c.       Optimum
d.      None of these

82.  There is _____standard for preparing pseudocode instructions:

a.      No
b.      4
c.       2
d.      6

83.  ______are used to translate high level language instructions to a machine code:

a.       Translators
b.      Interpreters
c.       Compilers
d.      None of these

84.  The compiler _______translate a program  code with any syntax error:

a.       Can
b.      Cannot
c.       Without
d.      None of these

85.  Before checking the program for errors in translating code into machine language the high level language code is loaded into_________:

a.       Register
b.      Memory
c.       Data
d.      CPU

86.  After compilation of the program ,the operating system of computer activates:

a.       Loader
b.      Linker
c.       Compiler
d.      None of these

87.  The linker has utilities needed for ________within the translated program:

a.       Input
b.      Output
c.       Processing
d.      All of these

88.  Flowchart is a_______ representation of an algorithm:

a.       Symbolic
b.      Diagrammatic
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

89.  In flow chart symbols the _______operation represents the direction of flow:

a.       Connector
b.      Looping
c.       Arrows
d.      Decision making

90.  Which register is memory pointer:

a.      Program counter
b.      Instruction register
c.       Stack pointer
d.      Source index

91.  How many approaches are used to design control unit:

a.      2
b.      3
c.       4
d.      5

92.  Which are the following approaches used to design control unit:

a.       Hardwired control
b.      Microprogrammed control
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

93.  Cache memory is located between main memory and_____:

a.      CPU
b.      Memory
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

94.  _______arrow represents the value obtained by evaluating right side expression/variable to the left side variable:

a.       Forth
b.      Inbetween
c.       Back
d.      None of these

95.  A ________ is written as separate unit, apart from main and called whenever necessary:

a.      Subroutine
b.      Code
c.       Block
d.      None of these

96.  _______uses the stack to store return address of subroutine:

a.       CPU
b.      Microprocessor
c.       register
d.        memory

97.  A subroutine is implemented with 2 associated instructions:

a.       CALL
b.      RETURN
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

98.  Call instruction is written in the ______program:

a.      Main
b.      Procedures
c.       Program
d.      Memory

99.  Return instruction is written in_______ to written to main program:

a.      Subroutine
b.      Main program
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

100.          When subroutine is called contents of program counter is location address of _______instruction following call instruction is stored on ________and program execution is transferred to______ address:
a.       Non executable, pointer and subroutine
b.      Executable, Stack and Main program
c.        Executable, Queue and Subroutine
d.      Executable, Stack and Subroutine         
101.          A subroutine called by another subroutine is called:

a.      Nested
b.      For loop
c.       Break
d.      Continue

102.          The extent nesting in subroutine is limited only by:
a.      Number of available Stack locations
b.      Number of available Addressing locations
c.       Number of available CPU locations
d.      Number of available Memory locations
103.          Which are of the following instructions of hardware subroutines:

a.       SCAL
b.      SXIT
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

104.           Importance in local variable and index registers in subroutine does_____:

a.       Alter
b.      Not alter
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

105.          Markers in subroutine cannot be accepted as limits whereas this markers stands for:

a.      Top of stack
b.      Bottom of stack
c.       Middle of stack
d.      All of these

106.          Subroutines are placed in identical section to caller so that SCAL and SXIT _______overpass divison limits:

a.      Don’t
b.      Does
c.       Cross
d.      By

107.          _________subroutine declaration  come after procedure announcement:

a.      Global
b.      Local
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

108.          subroutines are invoked by using their________ in a subroutine call statement and replacing formal parameters with________ parameters:

a.       Identifier and formal
b.      Identifier and actual
c.       Expression and arguments
d.      None of these

109.          Parameters can be stacked by ________just as with procedures:

a.      Asterisk(*)
b.      Arrow
c.       Line
d.      Pipeline

110.          The subroutines are determined by functioning of ________instructions:

a.       SCAL and SXIT
b.      only SCAL
c.       only SXIT
d.      none of these

111.          Call is________ subroutine call:

a.       Conditional
b.      Unconditional
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

112.          A flag is a _________that keep track of a changing condition during computer run:

a.       Memory
b.      Register
c.       Controller
d.      None of these

113.          When a subroutine is ________the parameters are loaded onto the stack and SCAL is executed:

a.       Executed
b.      Invoked
c.       Ended
d.      Started

114.          Subroutine is called _______:

a.       In Same program
b.      In external program
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

115.          If internal subroutine is called global data is used to pass values defining parameters between _________program and defined _______:

a.      Main and subroutine
b.      Local and subroutine
c.       Global and subroutine
d.      Global and main

116.           In what type of subroutine actual parameters are passed through the main program to formal parameters in the related subroutine:

a.       Internal
b.      External
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

117.          By defining the _________register as last in first out stack the sequence can handle nested subroutines:

a.       S
b.      J
c.       R
d.      T

118.          The ______stack can be 4-word memory  addressed by 2 bits from an up/down counter known as the stack pointer:

a.       FIFO
b.      PIPO
c.       SISO
d.      LIFO

119.          getchar :: IO char in this given function what is indicated by IO char:
a.      when getchar is invoked it returns a character
b.      when getchar is executed it returns a character
c.       both a & b
d.      none of these
120.          If we define putchar function in putchar :: char -> IO ( ) syntax than character input as an argument and returns_____:

a.       Useful value
b.      Get output
c.       Get no output
d.       None of these

121.          The front panel display provides lights as green LED represent _____ and red LED represent _____for device programmer who writes input/output basic:

a.      Busy and Error
b.      Error and Busy
c.       Busy and Busy
d.      Error and Error

122.          The input data for processing uses the standard input device which by default is a ________:

a.       Mouse
b.      Scanner
c.       Keyboard
d.      Monitor

123.          The processed data is sent  for output to standard ________device which by default is computer screen:

a.       Input
b.      Output
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

124.          Each instruction is executed by set of micro operations termed as:

a.      Micro instructions
b.      Mini instructions
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

125.          For each micro operation the control unit generates set of______ signals:

a.      Control
b.      Address
c.       Data
d.      None of these

126.          Sequence of microinstructions is termed as micro program or________:

a.       Hardware
b.      Software
c.       Firmware
d.      None of these

127.          The micro program is an ________written in microcode and stored in firmware which is also referred as___________:
a.      Interpreter and control memory
b.      Translator and control store
c.       Translator and control memory
d.      Interpreter and Translator
128.          Compared to hardware, firmware is ________to design micro programmed organization:

a.       Difficult
b.      Easier
c.       Both a& b
d.      None of these

129.          Compared to software, firmware is _______to write:

a.       Easier
b.      Difficult
c.       Mediator
d.      Optimum

130.          _________program converts machine instructions into control signals:
a.       Control memory program
b.      Control store program
c.       Both a & b
d.      Only memory
131.          who coined the term micro program in 1951:

a.       T.V. Wilkes
b.      M.V. Wilkes
c.       S.V. Wilkes
d.      D.V. Wilkes

132.          what is full form of EDSAC:
a.       Electronic delay source accumulator calculator
b.      Electronic delay storage automatic code
c.       Electronic destination source automatic calculator
d.      Electronic delay storage automatic calculator
133.          Who led to development of read –only magnetic core matrix for use in control unit of small computer at IBM’s laboratory:

a.      John Fairclough’s
b.      Johny fairclough
c.       Mr. Redcliff
d.      M.V. Wilkes

134.          From1961-1964 John fairclough’s research played an important role to pursue full range of compatible computers as system:

a.      System/360
b.      System/460
c.       System/560
d.      System/780

135.          Each microinstructions cycle is made of  2 parts:

a.       Fetch
b.      Execute
c.       Code
d.      Both a & b

136.          One of use of microprogramming to implement ________ of processor in Intel 80x86 and Motorola 680x0 processors whose instruction set are evolved from 360 original:

a.       Control structure
b.      Without control
c.       Control unit
d.      Only control

137.          The function of these microinstructions is to issue the micro orders to______:

a.      CPU
b.      Memory
c.       Register
d.      Accumulator

138.          Micro-orders generate the_______ address  of operand and execute instruction and prepare for fetching next instruction from the main memory:

a.       Physical
b.      Effective
c.       Logical
d.      all of above

139.          Which of the following 2 task are performed to execute an instruction by MCU:

a.       Microinstruction execution
b.      Microinstruction sequencing
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

140.          What is the purpose of microinstruction executions:
a.       Generate a control signal
b.      Generate a control signal to compile
c.       Generate a control signal to execute
d.      All of these
141.          Which microinstruction provide next instruction from control memory:
a.       Microinstruction execution
b.      Microinstruction Buffer
c.       Microinstruction decoder
d.      Microinstruction Sequencing
142.          Which are the following components of microprogramed units to implement control process:
a.       Instruction register
b.      Microinstruction address generation
c.       Control store microprogram memory
d.      Microinstruction Buffer
e.       Microinstruction decoder
f.        All of these
143.          Microcodes are stored as firmware in _______:

a.      Memory chips
b.      Registers
c.       accumulators
d.      none of these

144.          A control memory is______ stored in some area of memory:

a.      Control instruction
b.      Memory instruction
c.       Register instruction
d.      None of these

145.          A computer having writable control memory  is known as_________:
a.       Static micro programmable
b.      Dynamic micro programmable
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these
146.          The control memory contains a set of words where each word is:

a.      Microinstruction
b.      Program
c.       Sets
d.      All of these

147.          During program execution content of main memory undergo changes and, but control memory has______ microprogram:

a.       Static
b.      Dynamic
c.       Compile time
d.      Fixed

148.          What happens if computer is started :
a.       It executes “CPU” microprogram which is sequence of microinstructions stored in ROM
b.      It executes “code” microprogram which is sequence of microinstructions stored in ROM
c.       It executes “boot” microprogram which is sequence of microinstructions stored in ROM
d.      It executes “strap loader” microprogram which is sequence of microinstructions stored in ROM

149.          Control memory is part of ______ that has addressable storage registers and used as temporary storage for data:

a.       ROM
b.      RAM
c.       CPU
d.      Memory

150.          How many modes the address in control memory are divided:

a.      2
b.      3
c.       5
d.      7

151.          which of the following is interrupt mode:

a.       Task mode
b.      Executive mode
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

152.          Mode of addresses in control memory are:

a.       Executive mode
b.      Task mode
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

153.          Addresses in control memory is made by____ for each register group:

a.      Address select logic
b.      Data select logic
c.       Control select logic
d.      All of these

154.          There are how many register groups in control memory:

a.       3
b.      5
c.       6
d.      8

155.          What type of circuit is used by control memory to interconnect registers:

a.       Data routing circuit
b.      Address routing circuit
c.       Control routing circuit
d.      None of the these

156.          Which memory is used to copy instructions or data currently used by CPU:

a.       Main memory
b.      Secondary memory
c.       Cache memory
d.      None of these

157.          Copy of instruction in cache memory is known as:

a.       Execution cache
b.      Data cache
c.       Instruction cache
d.      All of these

158.          Copy of data in cache memory is called:

a.      Data cache
b.      Execution cache
c.       Address cache
d.      Control cache

159.          What are 2 advantages of cache memory:
a.       Reduction of average access time for CPU memory
b.      Reduction of bandwidth of available memory of CPU
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these
160.          On what method search in cache memory used by the system:

a.       Cache directing
b.      Cache mapping
c.       Cache controlling
d.      Cache invalidation

161.          ______process starts when a cpu with cache refers to a memory:

a.       Main memory
b.      External memory
c.       Cache
d.      All of these

162.           When cache process starts hit and miss rate defines in cache directory:

a.      during search reads
b.      during search writes
c.       during replace writes
d.      during finding writes

163.          In cache memory hit rate indicates:
a.       Data from requested address is not available
b.      Data from requested address is available
c.       Control from requested address is available
d.      Address from requested address is not available
164.          In cache memory miss rate indicates:
a.       Availability of requested data
b.      Availability of requested address
c.       Non-Availability of requested data
d.      Non-Availability of requested address
165.          Which 3 areas are used by cache process:
a.      Search, updating, invalidation
b.      Write, updating, invalidation
c.       Search, read, updating
d.      Invalidation, updating, requesting
166.          Updating writes to cache data and also to _______:

a.      Directories
b.      Memory
c.       Registers
d.      Folders

167.          Invalidation writes only to_____ and erases previously residing address in memory:

a.       Folders
b.      Memory
c.       Directory
d.      Files

168.          _______machine instruction creates branching to some specified location in main memory if result of last ALU operation is Zero or Zero flag is set:

a.       Branch on One
b.      Branch on Three
c.       Branch on Nine
d.      Branch on Zero

169.          Full form of CAR:
a.      Control address register
b.      Content address register
c.       Condition accumulator resource
d.      Code address register
170.          Two types of microinstructions are:

a.       Branching
b.      Non-branching
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

171.          Which are 3 ways to determine address of next micro instruction to be executed:

a.       Next sequential address
b.      Branching
c.       Interrupt testing
d.      All of these

172.          Branching can be________:

a.       Conditional
b.      Unconditional
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

173.          In which branching condition is tested which is determined by status bit of ALU:

a.       Unconditional
b.      Conditional
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

174.           which branch is achieved by fixing status bit that output of multiplexer is always one:

a.      Unconditional
b.      Conditional
c.       Looping
d.      All of these

175.          Which register is used to store addresses of control memory from where instruction is fetched:

a.       MAR
b.      BAR
c.       CAR
d.      DAR

176.          Control ROM is the control memory that holds:

a.      Control words
b.      Memory words
c.       Multiplexers
d.      Decoders

177.            Opcode is the machine instruction obtained from decoding instruction stored in:

a.       Stack pointer
b.      Address pointer
c.       Instruction register
d.      Incrementer

178.          Branch logic determines which should be adopted to select the next______ value among possibilities:

a.      CAR
b.      GAR
c.       HAR
d.      TAR

179.          ________ generates CAR+1 as possibility of next CAR value:

a.       Decrementer
b.      Incrementer
c.       Postfix
d.      Prefix

180.          ________used to hold return address for operations of subroutine call branch:

a.       TBR
b.      HDR
c.       SDR
d.      SBR

181.          Which of following 2 types of computer system considered by micro programmed unit:
a.       Micro level computers
b.      Machine level computers
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these
182.          Following are the components of micro programmed control unit:
a.       Subroutine register
b.      Control address register
c.       Memory Of 128 words with 20 bits per words
d.      All of these
183.          Various machine level components are:
a.       Address register
b.      Program counter
c.       Data register
d.      Accumulator register
e.       Memory of 2K,16 bits/word RAM
f.        Multiplexers
g.      All of these
184.          Data transfers are done using:
a.      Multiplexer switching
b.      Demultiplexer switching
c.       Adder switching
d.      Subtractor switching
185.           PC can be loaded from_____:

a.       BR
b.      CR
c.       AR
d.      TR

186.          Which functions are performed by CU:
a.       Data exchange b/w CPU and memory or I/O modules
b.      External operations
c.       Internal operations inside CPU
d.      Both a & c
187.          Which are internal operations inside CPU:
a.       Data transfer b/w registers
b.      Instructing ALU to operate data
c.       Regulation of other internal operations
d.      All of these
188.          How many paths taken by movement of data in CU:

a.       3
b.      4
c.       5
d.      2

189.          2 data paths in CU are:

a.       Internal data paths
b.      External data paths
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

190.          _______is the data paths link CPU registers with memory or  I/O modules:

a.      External data paths
b.      Internal data paths
c.       Boreal data paths
d.      Exchange data paths

191.          ______is data paths there is movement of data from one register to another or b/w ALU and a register:

a.       External
b.      Boreal
c.       Internal
d.      Exchange

192.          Which is the input of control unit:
a.       Master clock signal
b.      Instruction register
c.       Flags
d.      Control signals from bus
e.      All of these
193.          If _______flag is set then control unit issues control signals that causes program counter to be incremented by 1:

a.      Zero
b.      One
c.       Three
d.      Eight

194.          Which control unit is implemented as combinational circuit in the hardware:
a.       Microprogrammed control unit
b.      Hardwired control unit
c.       Blockprogrammed control unit
d.      Macroprogrammed control unit
195.          Microprograms are usually stored in:

a.      ROM
b.      RAM
c.       SAM
d.      SAN

196.          Among them which is the faster control unit:

a.      Hardwired
b.      Microprogrammed
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

197.          For CISC architecture_______ controllers are better:

a.      Microprogrammed
b.      Hardwired
c.       Betterwired
d.      None of these

198.          Full form of FSM is:

a.      Finite state machine
b.      Fix state machine
c.       Fun source metal
d.      All of these

199.          Rules of FSM are encoded in:

a.       ROM
b.      Random logic
c.       Programmable logic array
d.      All of these

200.          In RISC architecture access to registers is made as a block and register file in a particular register can be selected by using:

a.       Multiplexer
b.      Decoder
c.       Subtractor
d.      Adder

201.          Outputs of instruction/data path in CU are:

a.       Reg R/W
b.      Load/Reg-Reg
c.       ALU function select
d.      Load control
e.       Read control
f.        IR Latch
g.       JUMP/Branch/Next PC
h.      All of these

202.          One last bit of control output is for control of_______ state:

a.       Minor
b.      Major
c.       Mixer
d.      None of these

203.          Following are 4 major states for ‘load’ are:

a.       Fetch
b.      Decode
c.       Memory
d.      Write back
e.      All of these

204.          Jump has 3 major states are:

a.       Fetch
b.      Decode
c.       Complete
d.      All of these

205.          ________ state keeps track of position related to execution of an instruction:

a.      Major
b.      Minor
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

206.          An instruction always starts with state___:

a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      0

207.           Decoding of an instruction in RISC architecture means decision on working of control unit for:
a.      Remainder of instructions
b.      Divisor of instructions
c.       Dividend of instructions
d.      None of these
208.          Which control is used during starting of instruction cycle:

a.       Write
b.      Read
c.       R/W
d.      None of these

209.          ________function select takes op code in IR translating to function of ALU and it may be compact binary code or one line per ALU:

a.      ALU
b.      CPU
c.       Memory
d.      Cache

210.          ________is dependent on instruction type in CU:

a.       Jump
b.      Branch
c.       NextPC
d.      All of these

211.          __________dependent on instruction and major state and also comes in starting of data fetch state as well as  write back stage in CU:

a.       Register read
b.      Register write
c.       Register R/W
d.      All of these

212.          _______dependence over op-code in CU:

a.       Load register
b.      Load Reg/Reg
c.       Only Load
d.      None of these

213.          Full form of PLA in CU:
a.      Progrmmable Logic Array
b.      Programs Load Array
c.       Programmable Logic Accumulator
d.      all of these
214.          Which are tasks for execution of CU or MCU:

a.       Microinstruction execution
b.      Microinstruction sequencing
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

215.          Branching is implemented by depending on output of:

a.      CD
b.      RG
c.       CC
d.      CR

216.          Who determine under what conditions the branching will occur and when:
a.       By combination of  CD and BT
b.      By combination of  CD and BR
c.       By combination of  CD and CR
d.      By combination of  TD and BR
217.          The character U is used to indicate:

a.       Undefined transfers
b.      Unfair transfers
c.       Unconditional transfers
d.      All of these

218.          Which field is used to requests for branching:

a.       DR
b.      CR
c.       TR
d.      BR

219.          which field is used to determine what type of transfer occurs:

a.      CR
b.      SR
c.       BR
d.      MR

220.          Source statements consist of  5fields in microinstruction source code are:

a.       Lable
b.      Micro-ops
c.       CD-spec
d.      BR-spec
e.       Address
f.        All of these