Monday 19 March 2012

Internet, Web Programming and Java MCQ 05

  1. The goal of programmers is to develop software are

a.       Correct
b.      Reliable
c.       Maintainable
d.      All of these

  1. A  programming paradigm is also known as

a.       Programmer method
b.      Program methodology
c.       Programming methodology
d.      None

  1. A  programming paradigm describes

a.       The data to be store
b.      The structure of a program
c.       Both a & b
d.      None

  1. Each programming language follows ________ programming paradigm

a.      one or the other
b.      two or the other
c.       more or the other
d.      none of these

  1. The quality issue of the software must be kept in mind that includes
a.       Correctness, usefulness
b.      Reliability, maintainability
c.       Portability, reusability & interoperability
d.      All of these
  1. Binary language becomes difficult to write programs on___________

a.      Small size programs
b.      Large size programs
c.       Normal size programs
d.      None

  1. Assembly language provided an __________ way of writing programs

a.      Structural
b.      Unstructured
c.       Both a & b
d.      None

  1. In unstructured programming all the instructions of a program were written _______ in a single function

a.      One after the other
b.      Two after the other
c.       Three after the other
d.      None of these

  1. It became difficult to ________ errors for large and complex programs

a.       Trace and store
b.      Trace and edit
c.       Trace and debug
d.      Edit and debug

  1. High Level Language such as C & Pascal were developed in the late

a.       1965
b.      1968
c.       1960
d.      1962

  1. High Level Language provided a __________ way of writing programs

a.       Structural
b.      Structured
c.       Unstructured
d.      None

  1. Structured Programming also known as

a.      Procedural Programming
b.      Object Oriented Programming
c.       Progressive Programming
d.      None

  1. Structured Programming was a  __________  approach of writing complex programs

a.       Stored & easy
b.      Powerful & easy
c.       Powerful & stored
d.      None of these

  1. In Procedural Programming, programs are divided in to different procedures also known as
a.      Functions, routines or subroutines
b.      Usefulness, routines or subroutines
c.       Functions, structured or unstructured
d.      None of these
  1. High Level Language follows the ________ approach for designing the program

a.       Top
b.      Down

c.       Top-down                                                                       d.    None
  1. Programs in procedural Programming consists of a controlling procedure_____ which controls the execution of other procedures

a.      Known as the main
b.      Known as the user-friendly
c.       Known as the subroutine
d.      None

  1. The entire program can be divided into four different procedures

a.       Create, edit, modify & copy
b.      Add, edit, delete & modify
c.       Add, find, delete & modify
d.      None of the above

  1. Procedural Programming allows data to move freely from one function to another without________

a.       Any user
b.      Any security
c.       Any client
d.      None of these

  1. This makes the global data liable to change as any function can_____ its value

a.       Delete
b.      Add
c.       Modify
d.      Find

  1. In the procedural approach the data & the associated functions_______

a.      Are loosely related
b.      Are strongly related
c.       Are easily related
d.      None

  1. The large programs developed using this approach are difficult to_______

a.      Maintain, debug & extend
b.      Robust, debug & extend
c.       Maintain, delete & extend
d.      None

  1. Limitation of procedural programming _________ paradigm has been developed

a.      Object-oriented programming
b.      Object-oriented program
c.       Overall-oriented programming
d.      None

  1. OOP paradigm has revolutionized the process of____________

a.       Hardware development
b.      Software development
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

  1. An object is a unit of________

a.       Structural
b.      Contain set of properties
c.       Associated functions
d.      All of these

  1. Programmers can create the relationship between the__________

a.      Objects
b.      Users
c.       Clients
d.      Programs

  1. The data of _______ object can be accessed by the associated functions of that object only

a.      Two
b.      More
c.       One
d.      None

  1. Data is __________ from the outside world

a.      Hidden
b.      Store
c.       Delete
d.      None

  1. The functions of one object can access the functions of _______

a.      One object
b.      More objects
c.       Other objects
d.      None

  1. The objects of the entire system can interact with each other by _________

a.      Sending messages to each other
b.      Sending programs to each other
c.       Delete messages to each other
d.      Delete programs to each other

  1. OOP follows the ________ approach for designing the programs

a.       Bottom
b.      Up
c.       Bottom-up
d.      None

  1. The objects are first designed and then they are combined to form the _________

a.      Entire program
b.      Stored program
c.       Excess program
d.      None

  1. To understand the concept of OOP, it is necessary to know the ___________ of this approach

a.       Fundamental terms
b.      Concepts
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

  1. Objects are small, self-contained & modular units with a ___________

a.      Well-defined boundary
b.      User-defined boundary
c.       User-level boundary
d.      None

  1. An object consists of a __________

a.       State
b.      Behaviour
c.       State & behaviour
d.      Maintenance

  1. ________ the programs developed in order to overcome the limitations of the unstructured programming paradigm
a.      Procedural Programming & OOP Paradigm
b.      Progressive Programming & OOP Paradigm
c.       Procedural Programming & OOP
d.      None of these
  1. In OOP attributes of an object are represented by the ______ and the operations are represented by the _____

a.       Integers & functions
b.      Float & programs
c.       Void & functions
d.      Variables & functions

  1. The main objective of breaking down complex software projects into objects is that changes made to one part of a software ________
a.       Should not affect the same parts
b.      Should not affect adversely affect the other parts
c.       Should adversely affect the other parts
d.      None of these
  1. A class is defined as _________ data type

a.       Well-defined
b.      Client-defined
c.       User-defined
d.      None of these

  1. The entire set of similar data & functions that the object possess known as

a.      Class
b.      Object
c.       Abstraction
d.      Encapsulation

  1. A class serves as a ________ for its objects

a.       Blueprint or draft
b.      Black print
c.       Blueprint or template
d.      None

  1. The objects of a class also known as ________ of that class

a.      Instances or variables
b.      Instances or integer
c.       Instances or void
d.      None of these

  1. The process of creating objects from a class known as

a.       Robustness
b.      Instantiation
c.       Abstraction
d.      None of these

  1. Abstraction are of __________ types

a.       One
b.      Two
c.       Three
d.      Four

  1. Name of the two abstractions are
a.       Progressive abstraction & Control abstraction
b.      Program abstraction & Control abstraction
c.       Data abstraction & Control abstraction
d.      None of these
  1. Data abstraction also known as

a.      Data hiding
b.      Data binding
c.       Data programming
d.      Data oriented

  1. Data abstraction means

a.       Deleting the details about data
b.      Hiding the details about data
c.       Binding the details about data
d.      None of the above

  1. Control abstraction means

a.      Hiding  the implementation details
b.      Binding the implementations details
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of the above

  1. ADT means

a.       Advanced Development Type
b.      Abstract Data Type
c.       Advanced Data Type
d.      None of the above

  1. Classes in OOP are also known as

a.       ADP
b.      AOP
c.       ADT
d.      ABT

  1. Message to be processed in more than one form

a.      Polymorphism
b.      Dynamic binding
c.       Instantiation
d.      None

  1. _________ is a process of interacting between different objects in a program.

a.       Class
b.      Object
c.       Message Passing
d.      Dynamic binding

  1. The application areas where OOP is used are
a.       The development of computer games
b.      The design of graphical user-interface
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these
  1. An object of a class acquires characteristics from the object of another class known as ___________-

a.      Inheritance
b.      Abstraction
c.       Dynamic binding
d.      None of these

  1. Inheritance can be of ______ types

a.       One
b.      Two
c.       Three
d.      Four

  1. _________ is the process of linking a function call to the actual code of the function at run- time.

a.       Encapsulations
b.      Instantiation
c.       Dynamic binding
d.      None of these

  1. Main advantage of Inheritance

a.      Reusability
b.      Robustness
c.       Reliability
d.      Usefulness

  1. OOP binds the data & functions together under a

a.       Modular unit
b.      Single unit
c.       Both a &b
d.      None of these

  1. In OOP, the attributes of an object are represented by

a.      Variables
b.      Constants
c.       Data type
d.      None

  1. All the objects in a system take a ________ space in memory

a.       Same
b.      Separate
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of these

  1. The data of a class are known as

a.       Member function
b.      Object
c.       Data member
d.      None of these

  1. The objects of a class are also known as

a.       Constant
b.      Variables
c.       Data types
d.      Functions

  1. The function of a class are known as

a.       Data member
b.      Member function
c.       Object
d.      None of these

  1. Data abstraction hiding the details about the

a.      Data
b.      Control
c.       Function
d.      Feature

  1. The process of binding data and function together in a single unit

a.      Polymorphism
b.      Inheritance
c.       Message passing
d.      Encapsulation

  1. In inheritance , new features can be added without ________ the features of existing class

a.       Removing
b.      Adding
c.       Modifying
d.      None of these

  1. In OOP, data integrity and data security _____
a.       Low
b.      High
c.       Medium
d.      None
           Programming Elements of Java Part II
67.  Java operators include:

a.       Arithmetic operators
b.      Increment &decrement operators
c.       Relational operators
d.      All of these

  1. Arithmetic operators perform:

a.      Addition
b.      Subtraction
c.       Multiplication
d.      Division
e.      All of these

  1. Binary operators require how many operands to perform an operation:

a.      1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      none of these

  1. Which is not included in the category of Arithmetic Operations:

a.      Integer arithmetic
b.      Real arithmetic
c.       Logical arithmetic
d.      Mixed mode arithmetic

  1. Integer,real,mixed mode operations belong to which operator:

a.      Increment &decrement operators
b.      Relational operators
c.       Logical operators
d.      Arithmetic operators

  1. In which operation the integer operands is converted into real number:]\

a.      Integer arithmetic
b.      Real arithmetic
c.       Mixed mode arithmetic
d.      None of these

  1. a++ indicates:

a.      a=a+2
b.      a=a-2
c.       a=a+1
d.      a=a-1

  1. In the postfix form,the operand is incremented or deremented:
a.      Before the value of expression
b.      After the value of expression
c.       In the middle of the value of expression
d.      None of these
  1. Which values are returned by relational operators:

a.      Logical values
b.      Arithmetical values
c.       Boolean values
d.      Increment &decrement values

  1. How many types of relational operators are provided by Java:

a.      Three
b.      Four
c.       Five
d.      Six

  1. Logical operators are only used with:

a.      Arithmetic operands
b.      Logical operands
c.       Relational operands
d.      Boolean operands

  1. The default value offloat data type:

a.      0.0F
b.      0.00F
c.       00.0F
d.      0.FF

  1. The default value of double data type is:

a.      0.00d
b.      0.0d
c.       0.0F
d.      0.1d

  1. The default value of char is:

a.      0.00C
b.      0.0C
c.       null
d.      00.C

  1. The type of conversion in which data of smaller type is assigned to a larger type is called:

a.      Widening Conversion
b.      Automatic Conversion
c.       Casting Conversion
d.      None of these

  1. Which is used to access the variable and methods of class objects in another class:

a.      Instanceof
b.      Dot
c.       Net
d.      None of these

  1. ?: indicates which operator:

a.      Relational Operator
b.      Bitwise Operator
c.       Special Operator
d.      Conditional Operator

  1. Which operator takes the expression on its right side and stores it in the variable on its left side:

a.      Logical Operator
b.      Arithmetical Operator
c.       Assignment Operator
d.      Relational Operator

  1. The order or priority in which operators of the same precedence are evaluated is known as:

a.      Precedence
b.      Instanceof
c.       Dot
d.      Associativity

  1. The order of priority in which various operators in an expression are evaluated is known as:

a.      Instanceof
b.      Associativity
c.       Precedence
d.      None of these

  1. Which operator is used to check whether an object belong to a specified class:

a.      Dot
b.      Precedence
c.       Instanceof
d.      Associativity

  1. Which type of integer is not included in java:

a.      Byte
b.      Short
c.       Long
d.      Bit

  1. What is the process of explicitly converting one data type to another data type called:

a.      Instanceof
b.      Typecasting
c.       Arithmetic
d.      Initialization

  1. Which operators are binary operators that perform an action upon an individual bit of operands:

a.      Logical Operators
b.      Relational Operators
c.       Arithmetic Operators
d.      Bit wise Operators

  1. Punctuators are also known as:

a.      Generators
b.      Moderators
c.       Separators
d.      Operators

  1. What define the structure of a program by dividing and arranging a set of codes:

a.      Punctuators
b.      Separators
c.       Both of these
d.      None of these

  1. Constants are also known as:

a.      Variables
b.      Integers
c.       Literals
d.      None of these

  1. ________ are the predefined words that have special significance in any language:

a.      Integers
b.      Constants
c.       Operators
d.      Keywords

  1. _______  is the process of explicitly converting one data type to another data type:

a.      Data Type converting
b.      Type converting
c.       Data converting 
d.  Type Casting

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